Thursday, November 29, 2007

I'm On My Way

Just a quick note to say adios mi amigos. I'm off to the sunny tropics of Manzanillo and I am leaving my computer at home. We are on our way to visit my oldest son who is the boogie boarder in the first pic. And that's "waterboy" in the second pic taken by brother "the photographer" of course. These pics were taken a few years ago. Waterboy just got behind the wheel of a car for the first time yesterday so you can imagine he's a tad bit bigger now. So I will see you in about 10 days. We will be back on the 10th ready to get back into the xmas and party spirit. Take care friends and see you next week. k


Babelfish said...

Beautiful photos and adorable boys. Enjoy your time away for some much need sun. Safe journey!

Maryam in Marrakesh said...

That sounds like heaven, K. Hope you have a wonderful time.