Well I'm finally done with high school finals
YAY! and now I'm back into wedding mode for my friend C. The wedding is a mere 3 weeks away so we are in full swing with all of sorts of design details. I designed these Tulip programs/fans which will hang on the back of over 300 chairs for ceremony. These are my two favorite designs out of about 6 different concepts that I created. The fans will all be hand cut into the tulip shapes. And what you don't see yet is the gorgeous hand made
pressed flower paper with yellow/gold marigolds and tiny green stems which will line the back of the tulips. So which design is your favorite??? We will be deciding in the next few days and then go to work. Will show you the finished product when we finish. k
Oh and no one guessed the English project. It would have been a tough guess but then you guys never cease to amaze me. Will post pics soon. k